class_name Chunk extends StaticBody3D # These chunks are instanced and given data by VoxelWorld. # After that, chunks finish setting themselves up in the _ready() function. # If a chunk is changed, its "regenerate" method is called. const CHUNK_SIZE = 16 # Keep in sync with TerrainGenerator. const TEXTURE_SHEET_WIDTH = 8 const CHUNK_LAST_INDEX = CHUNK_SIZE - 1 const TEXTURE_TILE_SIZE = 1.0 / TEXTURE_SHEET_WIDTH var data = {} var chunk_position = Vector3i() var _thread @onready var voxel_world = get_parent() func _ready(): transform.origin = Vector3(chunk_position * CHUNK_SIZE) name = str(chunk_position) if Settings.world_type == 0: data = TerrainGenerator.random_blocks() else: data = TerrainGenerator.flat(chunk_position) # We can only add colliders in the main thread due to physics limitations. _generate_chunk_collider() # However, we can use a thread for mesh generation. _thread = _thread.start(self._generate_chunk_mesh) func regenerate(): # Clear out all old nodes first. for c in get_children(): remove_child(c) c.queue_free() # Then generate new ones. _generate_chunk_collider() _generate_chunk_mesh() func _generate_chunk_collider(): if data.is_empty(): # Avoid errors caused by StaticBody3D not having colliders. _create_block_collider(Vector3.ZERO) collision_layer = 0 collision_mask = 0 return # For each block, generate a collider. Ensure collision layers are enabled. collision_layer = 0xFFFFF collision_mask = 0xFFFFF for block_position in data.keys(): var block_id = data[block_position] if block_id != 27 and block_id != 28: _create_block_collider(block_position) func _generate_chunk_mesh(): if data.is_empty(): return var surface_tool = surface_tool.begin(Mesh.PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES) # For each block, add data to the SurfaceTool and generate a collider. for block_position in data.keys(): var block_id = data[block_position] _draw_block_mesh(surface_tool, block_position, block_id) # Create the chunk's mesh from the SurfaceTool data. surface_tool.generate_normals() surface_tool.generate_tangents() surface_tool.index() var array_mesh = surface_tool.commit() var mi = mi.mesh = array_mesh mi.material_override = preload("res://world/textures/material.tres") add_child.call_deferred(mi) func _draw_block_mesh(surface_tool, block_sub_position, block_id): var verts = calculate_block_verts(block_sub_position) var uvs = calculate_block_uvs(block_id) var top_uvs = uvs var bottom_uvs = uvs # Bush blocks get drawn in their own special way. if block_id == 27 or block_id == 28: _draw_block_face(surface_tool, [verts[2], verts[0], verts[7], verts[5]], uvs) _draw_block_face(surface_tool, [verts[7], verts[5], verts[2], verts[0]], uvs) _draw_block_face(surface_tool, [verts[3], verts[1], verts[6], verts[4]], uvs) _draw_block_face(surface_tool, [verts[6], verts[4], verts[3], verts[1]], uvs) return # Allow some blocks to have different top/bottom textures. if block_id == 3: # Grass. top_uvs = calculate_block_uvs(0) bottom_uvs = calculate_block_uvs(2) elif block_id == 5: # Furnace. top_uvs = calculate_block_uvs(31) bottom_uvs = top_uvs elif block_id == 12: # Log. top_uvs = calculate_block_uvs(30) bottom_uvs = top_uvs elif block_id == 19: # Bookshelf. top_uvs = calculate_block_uvs(4) bottom_uvs = top_uvs # Main rendering code for normal blocks. var other_block_position = block_sub_position + Vector3i.LEFT var other_block_id = 0 if other_block_position.x == -1: other_block_id = voxel_world.get_block_global_position(other_block_position + chunk_position * CHUNK_SIZE) elif data.has(other_block_position): other_block_id = data[other_block_position] if block_id != other_block_id and is_block_transparent(other_block_id): _draw_block_face(surface_tool, [verts[2], verts[0], verts[3], verts[1]], uvs) other_block_position = block_sub_position + Vector3i.RIGHT other_block_id = 0 if other_block_position.x == CHUNK_SIZE: other_block_id = voxel_world.get_block_global_position(other_block_position + chunk_position * CHUNK_SIZE) elif data.has(other_block_position): other_block_id = data[other_block_position] if block_id != other_block_id and is_block_transparent(other_block_id): _draw_block_face(surface_tool, [verts[7], verts[5], verts[6], verts[4]], uvs) other_block_position = block_sub_position + Vector3i.FORWARD other_block_id = 0 if other_block_position.z == -1: other_block_id = voxel_world.get_block_global_position(other_block_position + chunk_position * CHUNK_SIZE) elif data.has(other_block_position): other_block_id = data[other_block_position] if block_id != other_block_id and is_block_transparent(other_block_id): _draw_block_face(surface_tool, [verts[6], verts[4], verts[2], verts[0]], uvs) other_block_position = block_sub_position + Vector3i.BACK other_block_id = 0 if other_block_position.z == CHUNK_SIZE: other_block_id = voxel_world.get_block_global_position(other_block_position + chunk_position * CHUNK_SIZE) elif data.has(other_block_position): other_block_id = data[other_block_position] if block_id != other_block_id and is_block_transparent(other_block_id): _draw_block_face(surface_tool, [verts[3], verts[1], verts[7], verts[5]], uvs) other_block_position = block_sub_position + Vector3i.DOWN other_block_id = 0 if other_block_position.y == -1: other_block_id = voxel_world.get_block_global_position(other_block_position + chunk_position * CHUNK_SIZE) elif data.has(other_block_position): other_block_id = data[other_block_position] if block_id != other_block_id and is_block_transparent(other_block_id): _draw_block_face(surface_tool, [verts[4], verts[5], verts[0], verts[1]], bottom_uvs) other_block_position = block_sub_position + Vector3i.UP other_block_id = 0 if other_block_position.y == CHUNK_SIZE: other_block_id = voxel_world.get_block_global_position(other_block_position + chunk_position * CHUNK_SIZE) elif data.has(other_block_position): other_block_id = data[other_block_position] if block_id != other_block_id and is_block_transparent(other_block_id): _draw_block_face(surface_tool, [verts[2], verts[3], verts[6], verts[7]], top_uvs) func _draw_block_face(surface_tool: SurfaceTool, verts, uvs): surface_tool.set_uv(uvs[1]); surface_tool.add_vertex(verts[1]) surface_tool.set_uv(uvs[2]); surface_tool.add_vertex(verts[2]) surface_tool.set_uv(uvs[3]); surface_tool.add_vertex(verts[3]) surface_tool.set_uv(uvs[2]); surface_tool.add_vertex(verts[2]) surface_tool.set_uv(uvs[1]); surface_tool.add_vertex(verts[1]) surface_tool.set_uv(uvs[0]); surface_tool.add_vertex(verts[0]) func _create_block_collider(block_sub_position): var collider = collider.shape = collider.shape.extents = Vector3.ONE / 2 collider.transform.origin = Vector3(block_sub_position) + Vector3.ONE / 2 add_child(collider) static func calculate_block_uvs(block_id): # This method only supports square texture sheets. var row = block_id / TEXTURE_SHEET_WIDTH var col = block_id % TEXTURE_SHEET_WIDTH return [ # Godot 4 has a weird bug where there are seams at the edge # of the textures. Adding a margin of 0.01 "fixes" it. TEXTURE_TILE_SIZE * Vector2(col + 0.01, row + 0.01), TEXTURE_TILE_SIZE * Vector2(col + 0.01, row + 0.99), TEXTURE_TILE_SIZE * Vector2(col + 0.99, row + 0.01), TEXTURE_TILE_SIZE * Vector2(col + 0.99, row + 0.99), ] static func calculate_block_verts(block_position): return [ Vector3(block_position.x, block_position.y, block_position.z), Vector3(block_position.x, block_position.y, block_position.z + 1), Vector3(block_position.x, block_position.y + 1, block_position.z), Vector3(block_position.x, block_position.y + 1, block_position.z + 1), Vector3(block_position.x + 1, block_position.y, block_position.z), Vector3(block_position.x + 1, block_position.y, block_position.z + 1), Vector3(block_position.x + 1, block_position.y + 1, block_position.z), Vector3(block_position.x + 1, block_position.y + 1, block_position.z + 1), ] static func is_block_transparent(block_id): return block_id == 0 or (block_id > 25 and block_id < 30)