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- extends CharacterBody3D
- const MAX_SPEED = 3.5
- const JUMP_SPEED = 6.5
- const ACCELERATION = 4
- const DECELERATION = 4
- @onready var camera = $Target/Camera3D
- @onready var gravity = -ProjectSettings.get_setting("physics/3d/default_gravity")
- @onready var start_position = position
- func _physics_process(delta):
- if Input.is_action_just_pressed(&"exit"):
- get_tree().quit()
- if Input.is_action_just_pressed(&"reset_position") or global_position.y < - 6:
- # Pressed the reset key or fell off the ground.
- position = start_position
- velocity = Vector3.ZERO
- var dir = Vector3()
- dir.x = Input.get_axis(&"move_left", &"move_right")
- dir.z = Input.get_axis(&"move_forward", &"move_back")
- # Get the camera's transform basis, but remove the X rotation such
- # that the Y axis is up and Z is horizontal.
- var cam_basis = camera.global_transform.basis
- cam_basis = cam_basis.rotated(cam_basis.x, -cam_basis.get_euler().x)
- dir = cam_basis * dir
- # Limit the input to a length of 1. length_squared is faster to check.
- if dir.length_squared() > 1:
- dir /= dir.length()
- # Apply gravity.
- velocity.y += delta * gravity
- # Using only the horizontal velocity, interpolate towards the input.
- var hvel = velocity
- hvel.y = 0
- var target = dir * MAX_SPEED
- var acceleration
- if dir.dot(hvel) > 0:
- acceleration = ACCELERATION
- else:
- acceleration = DECELERATION
- hvel = hvel.lerp(target, acceleration * delta)
- # Assign hvel's values back to velocity, and then move.
- velocity.x = hvel.x
- velocity.z = hvel.z
- # TODO: This information should be set to the CharacterBody properties instead of arguments: , Vector3.UP
- # TODO: Rename velocity to linear_velocity in the rest of the script.
- move_and_slide()
- # TODO: This information should be set to the CharacterBody properties instead of arguments.
- # Jumping code. is_on_floor() must come after move_and_slide().
- if is_on_floor() and Input.is_action_pressed(&"jump"):
- velocity.y = JUMP_SPEED
- func _on_tcube_body_entered(body):
- if body == self:
- get_node(^"WinText").show()