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RigidBody Character 3D

RigidBody character demo for 3D using a capsule for the character. Cubes as RigidBodies spawn in the map from above to show interaction with the player (jump on them, gently push them), which would be impossible with a KinematicBody.

Language: GDScript

Renderer: GLES 3

Check out this demo on the asset library:

How does it work?

This demo uses a RigidBody for the player, and StaticBody for the level. Each has colliders, the player moves itself via apply_central_impulse() in _physics_process(), and collides with the level.

The ShapeCast3D node is used to detect whether the player is able to jump (i.e. touching the floor). Compared to a RayCast3D which is infinitely thin, this allows for more reliable checking if the player is standing over an edge or corner.

