123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202 |
- extends Node
- const DEADZONE = 0.3
- var joy_guid = ""
- var joy_name = ""
- var steps = JoyMapping.BASE.keys()
- var cur_step = -1
- var cur_mapping = {}
- var last_mapping = ""
- @onready var joy_buttons = $Mapping/Margin/VBox/SubViewportContainer/SubViewport/JoypadDiagram/Buttons
- @onready var joy_axes = $Mapping/Margin/VBox/SubViewportContainer/SubViewport/JoypadDiagram/Axes
- @onready var joy_mapping_text = $Mapping/Margin/VBox/Info/Text/Value
- @onready var joy_mapping_full_axis = $Mapping/Margin/VBox/Info/Extra/FullAxis
- @onready var joy_mapping_axis_invert = $Mapping/Margin/VBox/Info/Extra/InvertAxis
- func _input(event):
- if cur_step == -1:
- return
- if event is InputEventJoypadMotion:
- get_viewport().set_input_as_handled()
- var motion = event as InputEventJoypadMotion
- if abs(motion.axis_value) > DEADZONE:
- var idx = motion.axis
- var map = JoyMapping.new(JoyMapping.TYPE.AXIS, idx)
- map.inverted = joy_mapping_axis_invert.pressed
- if joy_mapping_full_axis.pressed:
- map.axis = JoyMapping.AXIS.FULL
- elif motion.axis_value > 0:
- map.axis = JoyMapping.AXIS.HALF_PLUS
- else:
- map.axis = JoyMapping.AXIS.HALF_MINUS
- joy_mapping_text.text = map.to_human_string()
- cur_mapping[steps[cur_step]] = map
- elif event is InputEventJoypadButton and event.pressed:
- get_viewport().set_input_as_handled()
- var btn = event as InputEventJoypadButton
- var map = JoyMapping.new(JoyMapping.TYPE.BTN, btn.button_index)
- joy_mapping_text.text = map.to_human_string()
- cur_mapping[steps[cur_step]] = map
- func create_mapping_string(mapping):
- var string = "%s,%s," % [joy_guid, joy_name]
- for k in mapping:
- var m = mapping[k]
- if typeof(m) == TYPE_OBJECT and m.type == JoyMapping.TYPE.NONE:
- continue
- string += "%s:%s," % [k, str(m)]
- var platform = "Unknown"
- if JoyMapping.PLATFORMS.keys().has(OS.get_name()):
- platform = JoyMapping.PLATFORMS[OS.get_name()]
- return string + "platform:" + platform
- func start(idx):
- joy_guid = Input.get_joy_guid(idx)
- joy_name = Input.get_joy_name(idx)
- if joy_guid.is_empty():
- printerr("Unable to find controller")
- return
- if OS.get_name() == "HTML5":
- # Propose trying known mapping on HTML5.
- $Start.window_title = "%s - %s" % [joy_guid, joy_name]
- $Start.popup_centered()
- else:
- # Run wizard directly.
- _on_Wizard_pressed()
- func remap_and_close(mapping):
- last_mapping = create_mapping_string(mapping)
- Input.add_joy_mapping(last_mapping, true)
- reset()
- show_map()
- func reset():
- $Start.hide()
- $Mapping.hide()
- joy_guid = ""
- joy_name = ""
- cur_mapping = {}
- cur_step = -1
- func step_next():
- $Mapping.title = "Step: %d/%d" % [cur_step + 1, steps.size()]
- joy_mapping_text.text = ""
- if cur_step >= steps.size():
- remap_and_close(cur_mapping)
- else:
- _update_step()
- func show_map():
- if OS.get_name() == "Web":
- JavaScriptBridge.eval("window.prompt('This is the resulting remap string', '%s')" % last_mapping)
- else:
- $MapWindow/Margin/VBoxContainer/TextEdit.text = last_mapping
- $MapWindow.popup_centered()
- func _update_step():
- $Mapping/Margin/VBox/Info/Buttons/Next.grab_focus()
- for btn in joy_buttons.get_children():
- btn.hide()
- for axis in joy_axes.get_children():
- axis.hide()
- var key = steps[cur_step]
- var idx = JoyMapping.BASE[key]
- if key in ["leftx", "lefty", "rightx", "righty"]:
- joy_axes.get_node(str(idx) + "+").show()
- joy_axes.get_node(str(idx) + "-").show()
- else:
- joy_buttons.get_node(str(idx)).show()
- joy_mapping_full_axis.button_pressed = key in ["leftx", "lefty", "rightx", "righty", "righttrigger", "lefttrigger"]
- joy_mapping_axis_invert.button_pressed = false
- if cur_mapping.has(key):
- var cur = cur_mapping[steps[cur_step]]
- joy_mapping_text.text = cur.to_human_string()
- if cur.type == JoyMapping.TYPE.AXIS:
- joy_mapping_full_axis.pressed = cur.axis == JoyMapping.AXIS.FULL
- joy_mapping_axis_invert.pressed = cur.inverted
- func _on_Wizard_pressed():
- Input.remove_joy_mapping(joy_guid)
- $Start.hide()
- $Mapping.popup_centered()
- cur_step = 0
- step_next()
- func _on_Cancel_pressed():
- reset()
- func _on_xbox_pressed():
- remap_and_close(JoyMapping.XBOX)
- func _on_xboxosx_pressed():
- remap_and_close(JoyMapping.XBOX_OSX)
- func _on_Mapping_popup_hide():
- reset()
- func _on_Next_pressed():
- cur_step += 1
- step_next()
- func _on_Prev_pressed():
- if cur_step > 0:
- cur_step -= 1
- step_next()
- func _on_Skip_pressed():
- var key = steps[cur_step]
- if cur_mapping.has(key):
- cur_mapping.erase(key)
- cur_step += 1
- step_next()
- func _on_FullAxis_toggled(button_pressed):
- if cur_step == -1 or not button_pressed:
- return
- var key = steps[cur_step]
- if cur_mapping.has(key) and cur_mapping[key].type == JoyMapping.TYPE.AXIS:
- cur_mapping[key].axis = JoyMapping.AXIS.FULL
- joy_mapping_text.text = cur_mapping[key].to_human_string()
- func _on_InvertAxis_toggled(button_pressed):
- if cur_step == -1:
- return
- var key = steps[cur_step]
- if cur_mapping.has(key) and cur_mapping[key].type == JoyMapping.TYPE.AXIS:
- cur_mapping[key].inverted = button_pressed
- joy_mapping_text.text = cur_mapping[key].to_human_string()
- func _on_start_close_requested():
- $Start.hide()
- func _on_mapping_close_requested():
- $Mapping.hide()
- func _on_map_window_close_requested():
- $MapWindow.hide()