project.godot 846 B

  1. ; Engine configuration file.
  2. ; It's best edited using the editor UI and not directly,
  3. ; since the parameters that go here are not all obvious.
  4. ;
  5. ; Format:
  6. ; [section] ; section goes between []
  7. ; param=value ; assign values to parameters
  8. config_version=5
  9. [application]
  10. config/name="3D Particles"
  11. config/description="This project showcases various 3D particle features supported by Godot, for both GPU-based and CPU-based particles."
  12. config/tags=PackedStringArray("3d", "demo", "official", "rendering")
  13. run/main_scene="res://test.tscn"
  14. config/features=PackedStringArray("4.2")
  15. config/icon="res://icon.webp"
  16. [display]
  17. window/stretch/mode="canvas_items"
  18. window/stretch/aspect="expand"
  19. [rendering]
  20. textures/default_filters/anisotropic_filtering_level=4
  21. quality/screen_filters/msaa=3
  22. environment/default_environment="res://default_env.tres"