123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173 |
- extends Node3D
- # The size of the quad mesh itself.
- var quad_mesh_size
- # Used for checking if the mouse is inside the Area3D
- var is_mouse_inside = false
- # Used for checking if the mouse was pressed inside the Area3D
- var is_mouse_held = false
- # The last non-empty mouse position. Used when dragging outside of the box.
- var last_mouse_pos3D = null
- # The last processed input touch/mouse event. To calculate relative movement.
- var last_mouse_pos2D = null
- @onready var node_viewport = $SubViewport
- @onready var node_quad = $Quad
- @onready var node_area = $Quad/Area3D
- func _ready():
- node_area.mouse_entered.connect(self._mouse_entered_area)
- # If the material is NOT set to use billboard settings, then avoid running billboard specific code
- if node_quad.get_surface_override_material(0).billboard_mode == BaseMaterial3D.BillboardMode.BILLBOARD_DISABLED:
- set_process(false)
- func _process(_delta):
- # NOTE: Remove this function if you don't plan on using billboard settings.
- rotate_area_to_billboard()
- func _mouse_entered_area():
- is_mouse_inside = true
- func _unhandled_input(event):
- # Check if the event is a non-mouse/non-touch event
- var is_mouse_event = false
- for mouse_event in [InputEventMouseButton, InputEventMouseMotion, InputEventScreenDrag, InputEventScreenTouch]:
- if is_instance_of(event, mouse_event):
- is_mouse_event = true
- break
- # If the event is a mouse/touch event and/or the mouse is either held or inside the area, then
- # we need to do some additional processing in the handle_mouse function before passing the event to the viewport.
- # If the event is not a mouse/touch event, then we can just pass the event directly to the viewport.
- if is_mouse_event and (is_mouse_inside or is_mouse_held):
- handle_mouse(event)
- elif not is_mouse_event:
- node_viewport.push_input(event)
- # Handle mouse events inside Area3D. (Area3D.input_event had many issues with dragging)
- func handle_mouse(event):
- # Get mesh size to detect edges and make conversions. This code only support PlaneMesh and QuadMesh.
- quad_mesh_size = node_quad.mesh.size
- # Detect mouse being held to mantain event while outside of bounds. Avoid orphan clicks
- if event is InputEventMouseButton or event is InputEventScreenTouch:
- is_mouse_held = event.pressed
- # Find mouse position in Area3D
- var mouse_pos3D = find_mouse(event.global_position)
- # Check if the mouse is outside of bounds, use last position to avoid errors
- # NOTE: mouse_exited signal was unrealiable in this situation
- is_mouse_inside = mouse_pos3D != null
- if is_mouse_inside:
- # Convert click_pos from world coordinate space to a coordinate space relative to the Area3D node.
- # NOTE: affine_inverse accounts for the Area3D node's scale, rotation, and position in the scene!
- mouse_pos3D = node_area.global_transform.affine_inverse() * mouse_pos3D
- last_mouse_pos3D = mouse_pos3D
- else:
- mouse_pos3D = last_mouse_pos3D
- if mouse_pos3D == null:
- mouse_pos3D = Vector3.ZERO
- # TODO: adapt to bilboard mode or avoid completely
- # convert the relative event position from 3D to 2D
- var mouse_pos2D = Vector2(mouse_pos3D.x, -mouse_pos3D.y)
- # Right now the event position's range is the following: (-quad_size/2) -> (quad_size/2)
- # We need to convert it into the following range: 0 -> quad_size
- mouse_pos2D.x += quad_mesh_size.x / 2
- mouse_pos2D.y += quad_mesh_size.y / 2
- # Then we need to convert it into the following range: 0 -> 1
- mouse_pos2D.x = mouse_pos2D.x / quad_mesh_size.x
- mouse_pos2D.y = mouse_pos2D.y / quad_mesh_size.y
- # Finally, we convert the position to the following range: 0 -> viewport.size
- mouse_pos2D.x = mouse_pos2D.x * node_viewport.size.x
- mouse_pos2D.y = mouse_pos2D.y * node_viewport.size.y
- # We need to do these conversions so the event's position is in the viewport's coordinate system.
- # Set the event's position and global position.
- event.position = mouse_pos2D
- event.global_position = mouse_pos2D
- # If the event is a mouse motion event...
- if event is InputEventMouseMotion:
- # If there is not a stored previous position, then we'll assume there is no relative motion.
- if last_mouse_pos2D == null:
- event.relative = Vector2(0, 0)
- # If there is a stored previous position, then we'll calculate the relative position by subtracting
- # the previous position from the new position. This will give us the distance the event traveled from prev_pos
- else:
- event.relative = mouse_pos2D - last_mouse_pos2D
- # Update last_mouse_pos2D with the position we just calculated.
- last_mouse_pos2D = mouse_pos2D
- # Finally, send the processed input event to the viewport.
- node_viewport.push_input(event)
- func find_mouse(global_position):
- var camera = get_viewport().get_camera_3d()
- var dist = find_further_distance_to(camera.transform.origin)
- # From camera center to the mouse position in the Area3D.
- var parameters = PhysicsRayQueryParameters3D.new()
- parameters.from = camera.project_ray_origin(global_position)
- parameters.to = parameters.from + camera.project_ray_normal(global_position) * dist
- # Manually raycasts the area to find the mouse position.
- parameters.collision_mask = node_area.collision_layer
- parameters.collide_with_bodies = false
- parameters.collide_with_areas = true
- var result = get_world_3d().direct_space_state.intersect_ray(parameters)
- if result.size() > 0:
- return result.position
- else:
- return null
- func find_further_distance_to(origin):
- # Find edges of collision and change to global positions
- var edges = []
- edges.append(node_area.to_global(Vector3(quad_mesh_size.x / 2, quad_mesh_size.y / 2, 0)))
- edges.append(node_area.to_global(Vector3(quad_mesh_size.x / 2, -quad_mesh_size.y / 2, 0)))
- edges.append(node_area.to_global(Vector3(-quad_mesh_size.x / 2, quad_mesh_size.y / 2, 0)))
- edges.append(node_area.to_global(Vector3(-quad_mesh_size.x / 2, -quad_mesh_size.y / 2, 0)))
- # Get the furthest distance between the camera and collision to avoid raycasting too far or too short
- var far_dist = 0
- var temp_dist
- for edge in edges:
- temp_dist = origin.distance_to(edge)
- if temp_dist > far_dist:
- far_dist = temp_dist
- return far_dist
- func rotate_area_to_billboard():
- var billboard_mode = node_quad.get_surface_override_material(0).params_billboard_mode
- # Try to match the area with the material's billboard setting, if enabled
- if billboard_mode > 0:
- # Get the camera
- var camera = get_viewport().get_camera_3d()
- # Look in the same direction as the camera
- var look = camera.to_global(Vector3(0, 0, -100)) - camera.global_transform.origin
- look = node_area.position + look
- # Y-Billboard: Lock Y rotation, but gives bad results if the camera is tilted.
- if billboard_mode == 2:
- look = Vector3(look.x, 0, look.z)
- node_area.look_at(look, Vector3.UP)
- # Rotate in the Z axis to compensate camera tilt
- node_area.rotate_object_local(Vector3.BACK, camera.rotation.z)