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- class_name Enemy extends Node2D
- ## Movement speed in pixels per second.
- const MOVEMENT_SPEED = 75.0
- const DAMAGE_PER_SECOND = 15.0
- ## The node we should be "attacking" every frame.
- ## If [code]null[/code], nobody is in range to attack.
- var attacking: Player = null
- func _process(delta: float):
- if is_instance_valid(attacking):
- attacking.health -= delta * DAMAGE_PER_SECOND
- position.x += MOVEMENT_SPEED * delta
- # The enemy went outside of the window. Move it back to the left.
- if position.x >= 732:
- position.x = -32
- func _on_attack_area_body_entered(body: PhysicsBody2D):
- if body is Player:
- attacking = body
- func _on_attack_area_body_exited(_body: PhysicsBody2D):
- attacking = null