package login import ( "fmt" "net/http" v "" "" "" . "" ) var DefaultViewCommon = &ViewCommon{ WrapperClass: "d-flex pt-16 flex-column mx-auto", WrapperStyle: "max-width: 28rem;", TitleClass: "text-h5 mb-6 font-weight-bold", LabelClass: "d-block mb-1 grey--text text--darken-2 text-sm-body-2", } type ViewCommon struct { WrapperClass string WrapperStyle string TitleClass string LabelClass string } func (vc *ViewCommon) Notice(vh *login.ViewHelper, msgr *login.Messages, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) HTMLComponent { var nn HTMLComponent if n := vh.GetNoticeFlash(w, r); n != nil && n.Message != "" { switch n.Level { case login.NoticeLevel_Info: nn = vc.InfoNotice(n.Message) case login.NoticeLevel_Warn: nn = vc.WarnNotice(n.Message) case login.NoticeLevel_Error: nn = vc.ErrNotice(n.Message) } } return Components( vc.ErrNotice(vh.GetFailFlashMessage(msgr, w, r)), vc.WarnNotice(vh.GetWarnFlashMessage(msgr, w, r)), vc.InfoNotice(vh.GetInfoFlashMessage(msgr, w, r)), nn, ) } func (vc *ViewCommon) ErrNotice(msg string) HTMLComponent { if msg == "" { return nil } return v.VAlert(Text(msg)). Dense(true). Class("text-center"). Icon(false). Type("error") } func (vc *ViewCommon) WarnNotice(msg string) HTMLComponent { if msg == "" { return nil } return v.VAlert(Text(msg)). Dense(true). Class("text-center"). Icon(false). Type("warning") } func (vc *ViewCommon) InfoNotice(msg string) HTMLComponent { if msg == "" { return nil } return v.VAlert(Text(msg)). Dense(true). Class("text-center"). Icon(false). Type("info") } func (vc *ViewCommon) ErrorBody(msg string) HTMLComponent { return Div( Text(msg), ) } func (vc *ViewCommon) Input( id string, placeholder string, val string, ) *v.VTextFieldBuilder { return v.VTextField(). Attr("name", id). Id(id). Placeholder(placeholder). Value(val). Outlined(true). HideDetails(true). Dense(true) } func (vc *ViewCommon) PasswordInput( id string, placeholder string, val string, canReveal bool, ) *v.VTextFieldBuilder { in := vc.Input(id, placeholder, val) if canReveal { varName := fmt.Sprintf(`show_%s`, id) in.Attr(":append-icon", fmt.Sprintf(`vars.%s ? "visibility_off" : "visibility"`, varName)). Attr(":type", fmt.Sprintf(`vars.%s ? "text" : "password"`, varName)). Attr("@click:append", fmt.Sprintf(`vars.%s = !vars.%s`, varName, varName)). Attr(web.InitContextVars, fmt.Sprintf(`{%s: false}`, varName)) } return in } // need to import zxcvbn js // func (vc *ViewCommon) PasswordInputWithStrengthMeter(in *v.VTextFieldBuilder, id string, val string) HTMLComponent { // passVar := fmt.Sprintf(`password_%s`, id) // meterScoreVar := fmt.Sprintf(`meter_score_%s`, id) // in.Attr("v-model", fmt.Sprintf(`vars.%s`, passVar)). // Attr(":loading", fmt.Sprintf(`!!vars.%s`, passVar)). // On("input", fmt.Sprintf(`vars.%s = vars.%s ? zxcvbn(vars.%s).score + 1 : 0`, meterScoreVar, passVar, passVar)) // return Div( // in.Children( // RawHTML(fmt.Sprintf(` // // `, meterScoreVar, meterScoreVar)), // ), // ).Attr(web.InitContextVars, fmt.Sprintf(`{%s: "%s", %s: "%s" ? zxcvbn("%s").score + 1 : 0}`, passVar, val, meterScoreVar, val, val)) // } // need to import zxcvbn.js func (vc *ViewCommon) PasswordInputWithStrengthMeter(in *v.VTextFieldBuilder, id string, val string) HTMLComponent { passVar := fmt.Sprintf(`password_%s`, id) meterScoreVar := fmt.Sprintf(`meter_score_%s`, id) in.Attr("v-model", fmt.Sprintf(`vars.%s`, passVar)). On("input", fmt.Sprintf(`vars.%s = vars.%s ? zxcvbn(vars.%s).score + 1 : 0`, meterScoreVar, passVar, passVar)) return Div( in, v.VProgressLinear(). Class("mt-2"). Attr(":value", fmt.Sprintf(`vars.%s * 20`, meterScoreVar)). Attr(":color", fmt.Sprintf(`["grey", "red", "deep-orange", "amber", "yellow", "light-green"][vars.%s]`, meterScoreVar)). Attr("v-show", fmt.Sprintf(`!!vars.%s`, passVar)), ).Attr(web.InitContextVars, fmt.Sprintf(`{%s: "%s", %s: "%s" ? zxcvbn("%s").score + 1 : 0}`, passVar, val, meterScoreVar, val, val)) } func (vc *ViewCommon) FormSubmitBtn( label string, ) *v.VBtnBuilder { return v.VBtn(label). Color("primary"). Block(true). Large(true). Type("submit"). Class("mt-6") } // requirements: // - submit button // - add class `g-recaptcha` // - add attr `data-sitekey=` // - add attr `data-callback=onSubmit` // // - add token field like `Input("token").Id("token").Type("hidden")` func (vc *ViewCommon) InjectRecaptchaAssets(ctx *web.EventContext, formID string, tokenFieldID string) { ctx.Injector.HeadHTML(` `) ctx.Injector.HeadHTML(fmt.Sprintf(` `, tokenFieldID, formID)) ctx.Injector.TailHTML(` `) } func (vc *ViewCommon) InjectZxcvbn(ctx *web.EventContext) { ctx.Injector.HeadHTML(fmt.Sprintf(` `, login.ZxcvbnJSURL)) }