# QOR5 ![Build status](https://github.com/qor5/admin/actions/workflows/go.yml/badge.svg) [Official Website](https://qor5.com) [QOR5](https://qor5.com) is a Go library to build web applications. We aim to accelerate the development speed and make the website highly customizable. - It prefers writing HTML in [static typing Go language](https://docs.qor5.com/advanced-functions/the-go-html-builder.html), rather than a certain type of template language, Not even go template. - It try to minify the needs to write any JavaScript/Typescript for building interactive web applications - It maximize the reusability of Components. since it uses Go to write components, You can abstract component very easy, and use component from a third party Go package is also like using normal Go packages. ## Documentation [Documentation](https://docs.qor5.com/)