123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210 |
- package views
- import (
- "context"
- "reflect"
- "github.com/qor5/admin/activity"
- "github.com/qor5/admin/l10n"
- "github.com/qor5/admin/presets"
- "github.com/qor5/admin/utils"
- v "github.com/qor5/ui/vuetify"
- "github.com/qor5/web"
- "github.com/sunfmin/reflectutils"
- h "github.com/theplant/htmlgo"
- "gorm.io/gorm"
- )
- const (
- Localize = "l10n_LocalizeEvent"
- DoLocalize = "l10n_DoLocalizeEvent"
- FromID = "l10n_DoLocalize_FromID"
- FromVersion = "l10n_DoLocalize_FromVersion"
- FromLocale = "l10n_DoLocalize_FromLocale"
- LocalizeFrom = "Localize From"
- LocalizeTo = "Localize To"
- )
- func registerEventFuncs(db *gorm.DB, mb *presets.ModelBuilder, lb *l10n.Builder, ab *activity.ActivityBuilder) {
- mb.RegisterEventFunc(Localize, localizeToConfirmation(db, lb, mb))
- mb.RegisterEventFunc(DoLocalize, doLocalizeTo(db, mb, lb, ab))
- }
- type SelectLocale struct {
- Label string
- Code string
- }
- func localizeToConfirmation(db *gorm.DB, lb *l10n.Builder, mb *presets.ModelBuilder) web.EventFunc {
- return func(ctx *web.EventContext) (r web.EventResponse, err error) {
- presetsMsgr := presets.MustGetMessages(ctx.R)
- paramID := ctx.R.FormValue(presets.ParamID)
- cs := mb.NewModel().(presets.SlugDecoder).PrimaryColumnValuesBySlug(paramID)
- id := cs["id"]
- fromLocale := lb.GetCorrectLocaleCode(ctx.R)
- var obj = mb.NewModelSlice()
- err = db.Distinct("locale_code").Where("id = ? AND locale_code <> ?", id, fromLocale).Find(obj).Error
- if err != nil {
- return
- }
- vo := reflect.ValueOf(obj).Elem()
- var existLocales []string
- for i := 0; i < vo.Len(); i++ {
- existLocales = append(existLocales, vo.Index(i).Elem().FieldByName("LocaleCode").String())
- }
- toLocales := lb.GetSupportLocaleCodesFromRequest(ctx.R)
- var selectLocales []SelectLocale
- for _, locale := range toLocales {
- if locale == fromLocale {
- continue
- }
- if !utils.Contains(existLocales, locale) || vo.Len() == 0 {
- selectLocales = append(selectLocales, SelectLocale{Label: MustGetTranslation(ctx.R, lb.GetLocaleLabel(locale)), Code: locale})
- }
- }
- r.UpdatePortals = append(r.UpdatePortals, &web.PortalUpdate{
- Name: presets.DialogPortalName,
- Body: v.VDialog(
- v.VCard(
- v.VCardTitle(h.Text(MustGetTranslation(ctx.R, "Localize"))),
- v.VCardText(
- h.Div(
- h.Div(
- h.Div(
- h.Label(MustGetTranslation(ctx.R, "LocalizeFrom")).Class("v-label v-label--active theme--light").Style("left: 0px; right: auto; position: absolute;"),
- h.Text(MustGetTranslation(ctx.R, lb.GetLocaleLabel(fromLocale))),
- ).Class("v-text-field__slot"),
- ).Class("v-input__slot"),
- ).Class("v-input v-input--is-label-active v-input--is-dirty theme--light v-text-field v-text-field--is-booted"),
- v.VSelect().FieldName("localize_to").
- Label(MustGetTranslation(ctx.R, "LocalizeTo")).
- Multiple(true).Chips(true).
- Items(selectLocales).
- ItemText("Label").
- ItemValue("Code"),
- ).Attr("style", "height: 200px;"),
- v.VCardActions(
- v.VSpacer(),
- v.VBtn(presetsMsgr.Cancel).
- Depressed(true).
- Class("ml-2").
- On("click", "vars.localizeConfirmation = false"),
- v.VBtn(presetsMsgr.OK).
- Color("primary").
- Depressed(true).
- Dark(true).
- Attr("@click", web.Plaid().
- EventFunc(DoLocalize).
- Query(presets.ParamID, paramID).
- Query("localize_from", fromLocale).
- URL(ctx.R.URL.Path).
- Go()),
- ),
- ),
- ).MaxWidth("600px").
- Attr("v-model", "vars.localizeConfirmation").
- Attr(web.InitContextVars, `{localizeConfirmation: false}`),
- })
- r.VarsScript = "setTimeout(function(){ vars.localizeConfirmation = true }, 100)"
- return
- }
- }
- func doLocalizeTo(db *gorm.DB, mb *presets.ModelBuilder, lb *l10n.Builder, ab *activity.ActivityBuilder) web.EventFunc {
- return func(ctx *web.EventContext) (r web.EventResponse, err error) {
- fromParamID := ctx.R.FormValue(presets.ParamID)
- cs := mb.NewModel().(presets.SlugDecoder).PrimaryColumnValuesBySlug(fromParamID)
- fromID := cs["id"]
- fromVersion := cs["version"]
- fromLocale := cs["locale_code"]
- to := make(map[string]struct{})
- for _, v := range ctx.R.Form["localize_to"] {
- for _, lc := range lb.GetSupportLocaleCodes() {
- if v == lc {
- to[v] = struct{}{}
- break
- }
- }
- }
- if len(to) == 0 {
- web.AppendVarsScripts(&r, "vars.localizeConfirmation = false")
- return
- }
- var fromObj = mb.NewModel()
- if err = utils.PrimarySluggerWhere(db, mb.NewModel(), fromParamID).First(fromObj).Error; err != nil {
- return
- }
- var toObjs []interface{}
- defer func(fromObj interface{}) {
- if ab == nil {
- return
- }
- if len(toObjs) > 0 {
- if err = ab.AddCustomizedRecord(LocalizeFrom, false, ctx.R.Context(), fromObj); err != nil {
- return
- }
- for _, toObj := range toObjs {
- if err = ab.AddCustomizedRecord(LocalizeTo, false, ctx.R.Context(), toObj); err != nil {
- return
- }
- }
- }
- }(reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(fromObj)).Interface())
- me := mb.Editing()
- for toLocale, _ := range to {
- var toObj = mb.NewModel()
- var fakeToObj = fromObj
- if err = reflectutils.Set(fakeToObj, "LocaleCode", toLocale); err != nil {
- return
- }
- toParamID := fakeToObj.(presets.SlugEncoder).PrimarySlug()
- if err = utils.SetPrimaryKeys(fromObj, toObj, db, toParamID); err != nil {
- return
- }
- me.SetObjectFields(fromObj, toObj, &presets.FieldContext{
- ModelInfo: mb.Info(),
- }, false, presets.ContextModifiedIndexesBuilder(ctx).FromHidden(ctx.R), ctx)
- if me.Validator != nil {
- if vErr := me.Validator(toObj, ctx); vErr.HaveErrors() {
- me.UpdateOverlayContent(ctx, &r, toObj, "", &vErr)
- return
- }
- }
- newContext := context.WithValue(ctx.R.Context(), FromID, fromID)
- newContext = context.WithValue(newContext, FromVersion, fromVersion)
- newContext = context.WithValue(newContext, FromLocale, fromLocale)
- ctx.R = ctx.R.WithContext(newContext)
- if err = me.Saver(toObj, toParamID, ctx); err != nil {
- return
- }
- toObjs = append(toObjs, toObj)
- }
- presets.ShowMessage(&r, MustGetTranslation(ctx.R, "SuccessfullyLocalized"), "")
- r.Reload = true
- return
- }
- }