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  • Firstly, you should create an activity instance in your project.

    activity := activity.New(presetsBuilder, db, logModel)
    • presetsBuilder (Required), it is a instance of presets.Builder to register activity into presets.
    • db (Required), it is a global database instance. we will use it if we don't find the specific database instance in a operation.
    • logModel (Optional), you can use your own model table to record the activity log as long as the model implements the ActivityLogModel interface.
  • Register normal model or a presets.ModelBuilder into activity

    activity.RegisterModel(normalModel) // It need you to record the activity log manually
    activity.RegisterModel(presetModel) // It will record the activity log automatically when you create, update or delete the model data via preset admin
  • Skip recording activity log for preset model if you don't want to record the activity log automatically

  • Configure more options for the presets.ModelBuilder to record more custom information

    activity.RegisterModel(presetModel).UseDefaultTab() //use activity tab on the admin model edit page
    activity.RegisterModel(presetModel).AddKeys("ID", "Version") // will record value of the ID and Version field as the keyword of a model table
    activity.RegisterModel(presetModel).AddIgnoredFields("UpdateAt") // will ignore the UpdateAt field when recording activity log for update operation
    func(old, now interface{}, prefixField string) []Diff {
    		oldString := old.(time.Time).Format(time.RFC3339)
    		nowString := now.(time.Time).Format(time.RFC3339)
    		if oldString != nowString {
    			return []Diff{
    				{Field: prefixField, Old: oldString, Now: nowString},
    		return []Diff{}
    ) // you define your own type handler to record some custom type for update operation
  • Record log manually when you use a normal model or save the model data via db directly

    • When a struct type only have one activity.ModelBuilder, you can use activity to record the log directly.

      activity.AddRecords(ActivityEdit, ctx, record)
      activity.AddRecords(ActivityCreate, ctx, record)
    • When a struct type have multiple activity.ModelBuilder, you need to get the corresponding activity.ModelBuilder and then use it to record the log.

      activity.MustGetModelBuilder(presetModel1).AddRecords(ActivityEdit, ctx, record)
      activity.MustGetModelBuilder(presetModel2).AddRecords(ActivityEdit, ctx, record)