package e13_vuetify_list // @snippet_begin(VuetifyListSample) import ( . "" "" h "" ) func HelloVuetifyList(ctx *web.EventContext) (pr web.PageResponse, err error) { wrapper := func(children ...h.HTMLComponent) h.HTMLComponent { return VContainer( VLayout( VFlex( VCard(children...), ).Col(Xs, 6).Offset(Sm, 3), ).Row(true), ).GridList(Md).TextAlign(Xs, Center) } pr.Body = wrapper( VToolbar( // VToolbarSideIcon(), VToolbarTitle("Inbox"), VSpacer(), VBtn("").Icon(true).Children( VIcon("search"), ), ).Color("cyan").Dark(true), VList( VSubheader(h.Text("Today")), VListItem( VListItemAvatar( h.Img(""), ), VListItemContent( VListItemTitle(h.Text("Brunch this weekend?")), VListItemSubtitle( h.Span("Ali Connors").Class("text--primary"), h.Text("— I'll be in your neighborhood doing errands this weekend. Do you want to hang out?"), ), ), ), VDivider().Inset(true), VListItem( VListItemAvatar( h.Img(""), ), VListItemContent( VListItemTitle(h.RawHTML(`Summer BBQ <span class="grey--text text--lighten-1">4</span>`)), VListItemSubtitle(h.RawHTML(`<span class='text--primary'>to Alex, Scott, Jennifer</span> — Wish I could come, but I'm out of town this weekend.`)), ), ), VDivider().Inset(true), VListItem( VListItemAvatar( h.Img(""), ), VListItemContent( VListItemTitle(h.Text(`Oui oui`)), VListItemSubtitle(h.RawHTML(`<span class='text--primary'>Sandra Adams</span> — Do you have Paris recommendations? Have you ever been?`)), ), ), ).TwoLine(true), ) return } var HelloVuetifyListPB = web.Page(HelloVuetifyList) const HelloVuetifyListPath = "/samples/hello-vuetify-list" // @snippet_end