package basics import ( "fmt" "strings" "" . "" "" ) var Permissions = Doc( Markdown(` QOR5 permission is based on A piece of policy looks like this: **Who** is **able** to do **what** on **something** (with given some **context**) `), ch.Code(generated.PermissionSyntax).Language("go"), Markdown(fmt.Sprintf(` ## Who - Subject Typically in admin system, they are roles like %s, %s. Use %s to fetch current subjects: `, "`Admin`", "`Super Admin`", "`SubjectsFunc`")), ch.Code(generated.PermissionSubjectsFunc).Language("go"), Markdown(fmt.Sprintf(` ## Able - Effect - %s - %s ## What - Action presets has a list of actions: - %s - %s - %s - %s - %s And you can define other specific actions if needed. ## Something - Resource An arbitrary unique resource name. The presets builtin resource format is %s. For example %s represents the user record with id 1 under uri user_management. Use %s as wildcard. ## Context - Condition Optional. The current context that containing condition information about the resource. Use %s to set the context: `, strings.TrimRight(generated.PermissionAllowed, ","), strings.TrimRight(generated.PermissionDenied, ","), strings.TrimRight(generated.PermissionPermList, ","), strings.TrimRight(generated.PermissionPermGet, ","), strings.TrimRight(generated.PermissionPermCreate, ","), strings.TrimRight(generated.PermissionPermUpdate, ","), strings.TrimRight(generated.PermissionPermDelete, ","), "`:presets:mg_menu_group:uri:resource_rn:f_field:`", "`:presets:user_management:users:1:`", "`*`", "`ContextFunc`", )), ch.Code(generated.PermissionContextFunc).Language("go"), Markdown(fmt.Sprintf(` Policy uses %s to set conditions: `, "`Given`")), ch.Code(generated.PermissionGivenFunc).Language("go"), Markdown(fmt.Sprintf(` ## Custom Action Let's say there is a button on User detailing page used to ban the user. And only %s users have permission to execute this action. First, create a verifier `, "`super_admin`")), ch.Code(generated.PermissionNewVerifier).Language("go"), Markdown(fmt.Sprintf(` Then inject this verifier to relevant logic, such as - whether to show the ban button. - validate permission before execute the ban action. `)), ch.Code(generated.PermissionVerifierCheck).Language("go"), Markdown(` Finally, add policy `), ch.Code(generated.PermissionAddCustomPolicy).Language("go"), Markdown(` ## Example `), ch.Code(generated.PermissionExample).Language("go"), Markdown(` ## Debug `), ch.Code(generated.PermissionVerbose).Language("go"), Markdown(` prints permission logs which is very helpful for debugging the permission policies: `), ch.Code(` have permission: true, req: &ladon.Request{Resource:":presets:articles:", Action:"presets:list", Subject:"viewer", Context:ladon.Context(nil)} have permission: true, req: &ladon.Request{Resource:":presets:articles:articles:1:", Action:"presets:update", Subject:"viewer", Context:ladon.Context(nil)} have permission: false, req: &ladon.Request{Resource:":presets:articles:articles:2:", Action:"presets:update", Subject:"viewer", Context:ladon.Context(nil)} `).Language("plain"), ).Title("Permissions"). Slug("presets-guide/permissions")