package digging_deeper import ( "" "" "" . "" "" ) var CompositeNewComponentWithGo = Doc( Markdown(` Any Go function that returns an ~htmlgo.HTMLComponent~ is a component, Any Go struct that implements ~MarshalHTML(ctx context.Context) ([]byte, error)~ function is an component. They can be composite into a new component very easy. This example is ported from [Bootstrap4 Navbar]( `), ch.Code(generated.CompositeComponentSample1).Language("go"), utils.Demo("Composite New Component With Go", e00_basics.CompositeComponentSample1PagePath, "e00_basics/composite-components.go"), Markdown(` You can see from the example, We have created ~Navbar~ and ~Carousel~ components by simply create Go func that returns ~htmlgo.HTMLComponent~. It is easy to pass in components as parameter, and wrap components. By utilizing the power of Go language, Any component can be abstracted and reused with enough parameters. The ~Navbar~ is a responsive navigation header, Resizing your window, the nav bar will react to device window size and change to nav bar popup and hide search form. For this ~Navbar~ component to work, I have to import Bootstrap assets in this new layout function: `), ch.Code(generated.DemoBootstrapLayoutSample).Language("go"), Markdown(` You can utilize the command line tool [html2go]( to convert existing html code to htmlgo code. By writing html in Go you get: - The static type checking - Abstract out easily to different functions - Easier refactor with IDE like GoLand - Loop and variable replacing is just like in Go - Invoke helper functions is just like in Go - Almost as readable as normal HTML - Not possible to have html tag not closed, Or not matched. Once you have these, Why generate html in any interpreted template language! `), ).Title("Composite new Component With Go"). Slug("components-guide/composite-new-component-with-go")