one-minute-quick-start.go 827 B

  1. package getting_started
  2. import (
  3. . ""
  4. )
  5. var OneMinuteQuickStart = Doc(
  6. Markdown(`
  7. This article try to let you use the shortest time to get a taste of how powerful QOR5 is.
  8. One of the QOR5 module called ~presets~ that can quickly create admin interface like [these](/samples/presets-detail-page-cards/customers):
  9. Install the command line tool with:
  10. ~~~
  11. $ go install
  12. ~~~
  13. And run:
  14. ~~~
  15. $ qor5
  16. ~~~
  17. It will promote you to input a Go package, and create the admin app in current directory.
  18. Change to the created package directory, and use ~docker-compose up~ to start the database, and then
  19. Use a new terminal to run ~source dev_env && go run main.go~ to start the admin app
  20. `),
  21. ).Title("1 Minute Quick Start").
  22. Slug("getting-started/one-minute-quick-start")