page.go 2.0 KB

  1. package e13_vuetify_list
  2. // @snippet_begin(VuetifyListSample)
  3. import (
  4. . ""
  5. ""
  6. h ""
  7. )
  8. func HelloVuetifyList(ctx *web.EventContext) (pr web.PageResponse, err error) {
  9. wrapper := func(children ...h.HTMLComponent) h.HTMLComponent {
  10. return VContainer(
  11. VLayout(
  12. VFlex(
  13. VCard(children...),
  14. ).Col(Xs, 6).Offset(Sm, 3),
  15. ).Row(true),
  16. ).GridList(Md).TextAlign(Xs, Center)
  17. }
  18. pr.Body = wrapper(
  19. VToolbar(
  20. // VToolbarSideIcon(),
  21. VToolbarTitle("Inbox"),
  22. VSpacer(),
  23. VBtn("").Icon(true).Children(
  24. VIcon("search"),
  25. ),
  26. ).Color("cyan").Dark(true),
  27. VList(
  28. VSubheader(h.Text("Today")),
  29. VListItem(
  30. VListItemAvatar(
  31. h.Img(""),
  32. ),
  33. VListItemContent(
  34. VListItemTitle(h.Text("Brunch this weekend?")),
  35. VListItemSubtitle(
  36. h.Span("Ali Connors").Class("text--primary"),
  37. h.Text("— I'll be in your neighborhood doing errands this weekend. Do you want to hang out?"),
  38. ),
  39. ),
  40. ),
  41. VDivider().Inset(true),
  42. VListItem(
  43. VListItemAvatar(
  44. h.Img(""),
  45. ),
  46. VListItemContent(
  47. VListItemTitle(h.RawHTML(`Summer BBQ <span class="grey--text text--lighten-1">4</span>`)),
  48. VListItemSubtitle(h.RawHTML(`<span class='text--primary'>to Alex, Scott, Jennifer</span> &mdash; Wish I could come, but I'm out of town this weekend.`)),
  49. ),
  50. ),
  51. VDivider().Inset(true),
  52. VListItem(
  53. VListItemAvatar(
  54. h.Img(""),
  55. ),
  56. VListItemContent(
  57. VListItemTitle(h.Text(`Oui oui`)),
  58. VListItemSubtitle(h.RawHTML(`<span class='text--primary'>Sandra Adams</span> &mdash; Do you have Paris recommendations? Have you ever been?`)),
  59. ),
  60. ),
  61. ).TwoLine(true),
  62. )
  63. return
  64. }
  65. var HelloVuetifyListPB = web.Page(HelloVuetifyList)
  66. const HelloVuetifyListPath = "/samples/hello-vuetify-list"
  67. // @snippet_end