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- package advanced_functions
- import (
- "github.com/qor5/docs/docsrc/examples/e00_basics"
- "github.com/qor5/docs/docsrc/generated"
- "github.com/qor5/docs/docsrc/utils"
- . "github.com/theplant/docgo"
- "github.com/theplant/docgo/ch"
- )
- var ManipulatePageURLInEventFunc = Doc(
- Markdown(`
- Encode page state into query strings in url is useful. because user can paste the link to another person,
- That can open the page to the exact state of the page being sent, Not the initial state of the page.
- For example:
- `),
- ch.Code(generated.MultiStatePageSample).Language("go"),
- utils.Demo("Manipulate Page URL In Event Func", e00_basics.MultiStatePagePath, "e00_basics/manipulate-page-url.go"),
- Markdown(`
- This page have several state that encoded in the url:
- - Page title have a default value, but if provided with a ~title~ query string, it will use that value
- - The edit panel can be open, or closed based on having the ~panel~ query string or not
- ~web.Location(url.Values{"panel": []string{"1"}}).MergeQuery(true)~ means it will do a push state request to current page, with panel query string panel=1.
- ~MergeQuery~ means that it will not touch other query strings like ~title=1~ we mentioned above.
- In ~update5~ event func, which is when you click the update button after open the panel, ~web.Location(url.Values{"panel": []string{""}}).MergeQuery(true)~ basically removes the query string panel=1, and won't touch any other query strings.
- Don't have to be in event func to use push state query, can use a simple ~web.Bind~ to directly change the query string like:
- ~~~go
- A().Text("change page title").Href("javascript:;").
- Attr("@click", web.POST().Queries(url.Values{"title": []string{"Hello"}}).Go()),
- ~~~
- This don't have ~.MergeQuery(true)~, So it will replace the whole query string to only ~title=Hello~
- `),
- ).Title("Manipulate Page URL in Event Func").
- Slug("basics/manipulate-page-url-in-event-func")