xuxin 3e91c08ccd move ui components from x and qor5 2 rokov pred
dist 3e91c08ccd move ui components from x and qor5 2 rokov pred
public 3e91c08ccd move ui components from x and qor5 2 rokov pred
src 3e91c08ccd move ui components from x and qor5 2 rokov pred
tests 3e91c08ccd move ui components from x and qor5 2 rokov pred
.browserslistrc 3e91c08ccd move ui components from x and qor5 2 rokov pred
.eslintrc.js 3e91c08ccd move ui components from x and qor5 2 rokov pred
.gitignore 3e91c08ccd move ui components from x and qor5 2 rokov pred
README.md 3e91c08ccd move ui components from x and qor5 2 rokov pred
babel.config.js 3e91c08ccd move ui components from x and qor5 2 rokov pred
jest.config.js 3e91c08ccd move ui components from x and qor5 2 rokov pred
jsconfig.json 3e91c08ccd move ui components from x and qor5 2 rokov pred
package.json 3e91c08ccd move ui components from x and qor5 2 rokov pred
vue.config.js 3e91c08ccd move ui components from x and qor5 2 rokov pred
yarn.lock 3e91c08ccd move ui components from x and qor5 2 rokov pred



Project setup

yarn install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

yarn serve

Compiles and minifies for production

yarn build

Run your unit tests

yarn test:unit

Lints and fixes files

yarn lint

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.