package main import ( "fmt" "log" "net/http" "os" "" "" "" . "" "" "" "" ) type User struct { gorm.Model login.UserPass login.OAuthInfo login.SessionSecure } func main() { var err error db, err := gorm.Open(sqlite.Open("/tmp/test_login.db"), &gorm.Config{ DisableForeignKeyConstraintWhenMigrating: true, }) if err != nil { panic(err) } if err := db.AutoMigrate(&User{}); err != nil { panic(err) } user := &User{ UserPass: login.UserPass{ Account: "", Password: "123", }, } user.EncryptPassword() db.Create(user) b := login.New(). DB(db). UserModel(&User{}). Secret("123"). OAuthProviders( &login.Provider{ Goth: google.New(os.Getenv("LOGIN_GOOGLE_KEY"), os.Getenv("LOGIN_GOOGLE_SECRET"), "http://localhost:9500/auth/callback?provider=google"), Key: "google", Text: "Login with Google", Logo: RawHTML(``), }, &login.Provider{ Goth: twitter.New(os.Getenv("LOGIN_TWITTER_KEY"), os.Getenv("LOGIN_TWITTER_SECRET"), "http://localhost:9500/auth/callback?provider=twitter"), Key: "twitter", Text: "Login with Twitter", Logo: RawHTML(` `), }, ). HomeURLFunc(func(r *http.Request, user interface{}) string { return "/admin" }). BeforeSetPassword(func(r *http.Request, user interface{}, extraVals ...interface{}) error { password := extraVals[0].(string) if len(password) <= 2 { return &login.NoticeError{ Message: "password length cannot be less than 2", } } return nil }). AfterConfirmSendResetPasswordLink(func(r *http.Request, user interface{}, extraVals ...interface{}) error { link := extraVals[0] fmt.Println("#########################################start") testingutils.PrintlnJson(link) fmt.Println("#########################################end") return nil }). TOTP(false) h := http.NewServeMux() b.Mount(h) h.Handle("/admin", http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { _, _ = fmt.Fprintf(w, "%#+v", login.GetCurrentUser(r)) })) mux := http.NewServeMux() mux.Handle("/", b.Middleware()(h)) log.Println("serving at http://localhost:9500") log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":9500", mux)) }